My work
I work as a permanent Associate professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
The links below lead to Spanish-only pages !
As a teacher I am responsible of the Laboratory of General Physics you can access my open course in this link "Physics Lab I". It is part of the first year of the Physics grade.
I also teach in the Master in Biomedical Physics of UCM, My subject is Physical Basis of Nuclear Medicine.
As a researcher I work inside of the High Energy Physics Group of UCM.
I lead the activities of the group inside the Cherenkov Telescope Array project You can see the Spanish version in El Observatorio CTA
The list of my publications and works can be found inOutreach
I like Physics demonstrations and participate in some outreach initiatives like
- The Oscar Lab project Videos of Physics demonstrations
- Cielos de Madrid A page showing near real time images of the night sky over Madrid.
In this page you can download some of my work.