The HEGRA Experiment

The HEGRA Experiment

The HEGRA experiment (High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy) is a collaboration made up of two institutes belonging to the German Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Munich and Heidelberg), the Yerevan Institute of Physics (Armenia) and faculties of Physics at the Madrid (UCM), Hamburg, Kiel and Wuppertal universities.

High energy ( HE ) cosmic radiation studies are an important part of general cosmic rays studies. After eight decades of hard work, HE cosmic rays origin and acceleration mechanisms are still mostly unknown. Obtaining more accurate data in gamma ray astronomy may help us to clarify many questions about their origin, test existing models, or even suggest some new ones. This is the main purpose of HEGRA.

Click icon to have a look at the detectors.

How does HEGRA work?

Publications and drafts.

For further information, visit the HEGRA page at Wuppertal University, at the Max Planck Institute in Munich or at the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg.

You can access internal collaboration information if you are a member of the HEGRA Experiment.

Internal GAE information

Public GAE information